February 9, 2024

Well, here it is Friday again, and you know what that means. Time to get together with my FRIDAY FOLLIES FRIENDS! So, how are you and what’s going on?
I trust that you’re feeling proud of yourselves for keeping your resolutions and you’re learning how strong you are if you chose to keep them. And there’s still time. You can resolve to make a change in your life anytime! Maybe that’s what’s called a human right. In other words, you can start the beginning of a new year any day, not just January 1. Just do it! I decided to “fast” from “soft” drinks and I was successful at it, and I needed that little boost of confidence I gained for disciplining myself for the month of January. I think it’s important to test our self-control so that we don’t allow something that’s not good for us to bind us. So often I’ve realized that we can do more than we think we can when we give it our best effort. What I’m surprised at is that I even lost the “taste” for the soft drinks in just 31 or so days. Wonder what’s “soft” about them anyway? I mean pillows are soft – but “soft” drinks? Anyway, now I know that I can take them or leave them and I’m glad to have decided that. Most of the time, I’ll probably just drink lemonade or the Alkaline 88 water. It tastes so fresh and clean, but I think I’ll allow myself a Dr. Pepper every now and then.
We’ve been working non-stop on the 2024 calendar and now WE HAVE IT IN OUR HOT LITTLE HANDS!!!! It is so cool. We are so excited. We can’t wait to hear what you think of it. It has been such fun putting it together. It just kept growing, morphing into more than we started. You know my imagination got to working overtime and that’s how it came to be so much MORE THAN A CALENDAR. Oh, we’re so proud of it. But I won’t say anymore because I want you to be surprised. We showed it to Linda yesterday, and I’ll quote her reactions to it…. ”Beyond awesome!!! It’s a book! Wow! Wow! Wow! Oh I love the pretty colors and the inspirational messages. I never would have dreamed it would look like this! It’s 32 pages!!!! Not what anyone was expecting when you said ‘calendar.’ So different! People will love this!!!!!”
So now that the calendar is done, I need to finish writing my novel and then my autobiography. Oh Lord. I wish I’d kept a journal. Now I’ll have to research myself. (Groan) I need some more projects.
Okay Guys, until next Friday…. Eat right. Be good. Love God and everyone else as yourself. You know I love you.
Donna Fargo
P.S. To see more details and to place your order for the BE YOUR BEST IN 2024 Calendar go to DonnaFargo.com and PrimaDonnaEntertainmentCorp.com.