Hey Everybody!
Welcome back to Friday Follies! Well, I hope you’ve all kept your New Year’s resolutions so far if you made any. We’re 12 days into this new beginning, so you’re doing well if you’ve stayed disciplined with some good habit you’re trying to make or a not-so-good habit you’re trying to break – you know the one. Congratulations if you’ve made it this far. Stay strong.
Used to, I would keep it to myself if I was trying to change something. It was like if I told someone else, I might jinx my chances or if I failed, I would think I was a wimp, and the failure would make me feel more unworthy. It even seemed like not sharing something kept me more focused toward my goal. I had friends who were the opposite. When they said “I’m going to do” this or that, like say quit smoking or whatever, they were empowered. For them, they may think telling someone would make them more accountable to themselves. Plus they wouldn’t want everyone to know they’d failed. Everybody’s different, so we just need to do what’s best for us.
Since it takes about 21 days to break a habit, the hardest part is over. Right? So, let’s give ourselves until the first week of February to see how we’ve done. I’ll let you know what resolution I made and if I kept it and you guys share your success stories too.
To switch subjects….Several of you have asked when the Jeannie Seely interview will air, and Jeannie told me yesterday it will air this Sunday from 11 am – 3 pm on Willie’s Roadhouse (Channel 61) on SiriusXM and it will be repeated 11 pm – 3 am. We have not learned yet when the Devon O’Day interview will air, but we’ll let you know as soon as we know. While we’re talking about interviews, I want to thank those of you who made such sweet comments about the 2008 interview I did with Ralph Emery, which was replayed on RFD tv this New Year’s Eve. He was so good to the artists and we all miss him. He was one-of-a-kind.
And now I’ve got to get back to the calendar so we can get it to the printer.
You know I love you, and I wish you everything you wish for in this new year, and all the basics like good health, a satisfied mind, a sweet spirit, prosperity and of course…lots of love. Everything’s gonna’ be all right.