Hey My Friday Follies Team Members…
Well, if you’re anything like me lately, you’ve been all caught up in the Christmas Crunch trying to get stuff out on time and doing all the things required otherwise too. I’ll be glad to get back to just normal crazy, especially in the “sweets” department…too much candy, pies, desserts, you know. I’m afraid to weigh. The other day I “sampled” a little bit of this and a little bit of that and then some, only to be totally miserable afterwards and vowing never to eat that much again. Can I get a witness? And then I thought…from now on, I’m going to ask myself “How will I feel afterward?” It’s actually not a bad “policy” to make before doing anything…like shopping and compulsively buying stuff if you don’t need it, not taking care of something that could cause a problem later – like something to do with the cars or planning your diet better so you eat what you buy and buy what you eat. What a novel idea. Huh?
But back to the “How will I feel afterward policy.” It really could apply to a lot of situations. Like maybe you’re upset with someone, it’s probably a good idea to wait a few days to “vent” your feelings and see how you feel then. I’ve usually been happier when I waited. I had more clarity, perspective, and objectivity. Guess I’m always trying to teach myself something. Whatcha’ think?
To switch subjects, I prayed for you all today, wished you every good thing – good health, happiness, and the ability and awareness and knowledge to help you deal with any problems so you’ll “feel better afterwards.” It might just boil down to practicing the golden rule: treat others as you wish to be treated, but it would also mean treat yourself as you should. I asked God to bless you with so much Love that His Love makes anything else seem all right. I hope you all have the most fabulous Christmas and wonderful New Year that you can imagine.
Okay, Miss Hermit signing off and getting back to work.
I love you!!!!
P.S. Some of you have asked about the novel and autobiography. The novel is being typed now. It is fiction…just from my imagination. I’ll tell you more about it later. The autobiography is the story of my life and it’s not nearly finished yet. So I’ll get back to work on it as soon as I can. I need a few more projects. Huh?