Hi My Favorite People,
It’s a skippity-do-da day here in Music City thanks to all of you. We’ve just placed another order for my 2023 calendar “Everything Is Possible with God,” and the latest shipment of my new CD ALL BECAUSE OF YOU arrived a few days ago. Thanks for all your great ideas that have kept us busy this year – your comments, cards, and posts always brighten my world. I hope you’re making every day beautiful, feeling some progress, and actually seeing your dreams come true.
Our team is encouraged that the Amazon streaming numbers keep going up and up, and we appreciate all you listeners adding my new music to your playlist and sharing with others. It’s a team effort and we couldn’t do it without you. You are so amazing, and we are grateful.
Some have asked us how the two new pictures included in this post came about….so when Brenda talked me into doing the recent 2022 photo shoot, I said okay but “let’s do something different,” so she added all the pretty sparkles to highlight the pink cap and pink top and earrings, and now it’s some people’s favorite picture. Hot dog!
And then we added a little nostalgia by offering it with the recently designed “spotlight” picture that has 5 shots from varying time periods superimposed on the “Happiest Girl” and “Funny Face” sheet music. Aren’t we clever? Ha Ha
Since some of you have been asking me to record a “Q&A” type segment, we’re thinking seriously about your request and we’ll let you know if time allows us to work it into the schedule. Please know that we thank you for your questions and we value your suggestions always.
If you’re as busy as we are, you’re all probably trying to play catch up before Christmas. It always sneaks up on you, so we have to remind ourselves to take a deep breath, slow down, and savor every minute. It’s all about attitude….and remember, ”Everything is going to be all right!” Why? Because…God’s got His children in the palm of His hand, thanks to what Jesus did for us!
May you all stay healthy, be happy and keep yourself out of harm’s way.
Love, love, love,
P.S. I just recorded a special message for you on Amazon Music. Just ask Alexa to play the “Donna Fargo Spotlight” to hear it.