Hey My Favorite People!
Happy Friday Follies Everybody and Happy Day after Thanksgiving. I hope this holiday was a wonderful day for your scrapbook of memories, and I hope you continue to celebrate every day from now until forever.
I just finished reading a book that I want to recommend to you. It’s called SAVING MY ASSASSIN by Virginia Prodan. It is sooooooooooooo good. You will love it. Everyone should read this book. It is captivating and extraordinary. It’s a riveting true story of how a young woman responded to a man sent to murder her, plus a lot of lessons and examples of bravery, faith, and truth in a communist country. It’s so well written and inspiring.
In the author’s own words, she says at the end of the book: “If people take nothing else from my story, I hope they take this: You were created to do great things through God’s power, no matter your circumstances. Listen for His calling, and when you hear it, embrace it and pursue it with all your heart. And do not be afraid, because as Luke 1:37 says, ‘nothing is impossible with God.’”
Please read this book. Your heart will thank you.
Also here in Fargo Country, we’re all so excited about a fabulous gift idea that we hope you’ll like as much as we do. It’s a 6”x6” framed beautiful positive message or “Heart Hug” to remind you how special you are. Each time you see it and allow yourself to feel the blessing, it will boost your confidence and make you realize how unique you really are. It will inspire you also to reach your potential. It will remind you to draw closer to God and believe that He loves all of His children, and that includes you! You’re gonna’ love it. It’s the best gift you could give to someone you care about. It’s a reminder too just how important life is. Look at it. Isn’t it cool?
Love you so,
P.S. To get your “Heart Hug” go to http://www.primadonnaentertainmentcorp.com/shop or http://www.donnafargo.com/shop . You’ll also find the latest print, “Hopelessness, You’re Dead To Me” and a lot of other cool stuff! Have fun shopping!