Hey Everybody! How are you guys? I hope you’re all fine and dandy, and I hope you are getting accustomed to these temperatures dipping down into the frigid zone. It is cold here in Music City, and the weather folks are forecasting really freezing temperatures for Thanksgiving. But it’s just weather and we’ll survive, especially since it’s Friday Follies. Hot diggety dog!
Somebody asked me to discuss what to do when you have a lack of confidence in yourself.
Well, I think most of the time I’ll try to challenge myself to see if I can gain confidence back in whatever area I need it. For example, I weigh myself every day so I can tackle a problem early if I start to gain weight. Like recently I noticed I’d gained a couple of pounds that I didn’t want. So I decided to go on a 3-day apple fast. It’s boring, but I wanted to see if I could be disciplined enough to do it. I’ve fasted before because I think it’s healthy, and I knew I could, but would I? Anyway, this is my first day. I’ve had coffee, 3 apples, all the water I want, and that’s it. I’ll let you know if I make it. Now that I’ve told you, I can’t wimp out now, right?
I think it’s really good to test yourself. I’m sort of “body-ruled,” and I don’t like that. I’d rather my spirit and mind be in control. So if I pass my test, I know it will help me respect myself more and give me more self-control and help me with my discipline. I mean we can know what we need to do and just stay busy procrastinating and stay stuck. It’s a choice and we’re in control.
Anyway, I hope you’re all passing your own tests and challenging yourselves every now and then. It’s fun, and I think it’s important for your self esteem when you meet your goal.
Okay, the teacher’s going for another apple.
I’m thinking of you all and wishing you the very best!
P.S. Great news! The Heart Hugs are now available as coasters! Check them out on the website. It’s a set of 5 and you can mix and match which Heart Hugs you want! How cool is that?