May 24, 2024

Hey My Favorite Friends in Our Friday Follies Club –

As always, I’ve been wishing you all the very best in life.  I hope you’re blessed in every single way – with good fortune, perfect health, a satisfied mind, and a close walk with God.  And I hope you’re so happy and you’re all the happiest girls and the happiest guys.  Is that too corny?  I hope not because I don’t want you to cheat yourselves out of happiness.

Thank you for being my favorite people I look up to.  You make me feel like my life matters and I hope I make you all feel like your lives matter because they sure do.  You’ve taught me about kindness with your generosity and sensitivity.  I am so fortunate to have you as my friends.

I’ve had several questions about the novel.  Well, just when I thought again that it was finished, it wasn’t, but it’s going to be better, and that’s a good thing.  You gotta’ remember I’ve never written a novel before, so it has definitely been a learning process for me.  We have to allow ourselves to evolve in our thinking when the evolution makes it better.  When we try to help ourselves in any way, I think we have an opportunity to pass on at least some of the lessons to others – at least with the process.

Even though a novel is fiction, this one has some very helpful ideas in it and I think you’ll like it if I can get it published.  Maybe that’s the “old teacher” in me trying to get out.  Ha.

Anyway….have a fabulous rest of the week and a wonderful holiday weekend coming up.  Stay safe, don’t eat too much, and be careful.

I love you all so much,
