Time for Friday Follies ~
Hi Everybody,
I hope you’re all so happy, as healthy as can be, and comfortable in every way. You are so very special to me, but you must know that by now.
Brenda took some pictures on our fun shopping day. We shopped ‘til we dropped, and it was a skippety do da day! From the Johnny Was store to Buckle where I bought some new jeans because I needed a bigger size. Oh, Lord. Did you know eating too much causes fat to accumulate? Well, I do now! And then there was Nordstrom’s. They had some super buys on boots and shoes, and Macy’s had a big sale on cute little jean jackets, like I really needed more jean jackets. Bought a cool belt at Free People, but I had to make it smaller and I did. And I couldn’t miss buying something from one of my other favorite stores – Sundance. Brenda bought her mom a hair barrette at Brighton’s and some stuff for her. Then we were off for some ice cream at Baskin Robbins – like we really needed that, right, Girls? And finally of course, since it was so close by, we wouldn’t have missed TJ Maxx for anything!
Well, I’ve bored you enough on our blowout shopping day. Actually, shopping is a great antidote for boredom! At least that’s what I’ve heard and it works for me!
Until next week, stay safe and out of trouble, spoil yourself a little, but be productive doing something you love. You can do more than you think you can – you know. I thank God for you guys every day and send you positive wishes and prayers for whatever you need.
Love, love, love,
P.S. The 10th Annual Country With Heart Concert hosted by Bobby Marquez and emceed by Jennifer Herron will take place on June 8th at the Nashville Nightlife Dinner Theatre in Nashville. They are raising money for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Unfortunately, my schedule doesn’t permit me to appear in person, but I’ve donated a hat for the silent auction, so if you’re in town for Music Fest, you might want to stop by and check it out. You’ll recognize the hat – it is the one we used on the January 2025 page of the BE YOUR BEST 2024 calendar. You’ll find more information about the event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/774750154762279/