Hey Everybody!
Welcome to Friday Follies again. I am so thankful for you, and I trust you’re doing well. It’s such a beautiful day here in Music City. I hope you’re all having one skippety do da day after another.
The lesson I’ve learned recently is in a few days time, most things will change no matter what and if we do nothing. So when we’re all bothered by a lack of perspective, we can evaluate situations with more clarity if we just relax and put our thoughts about them on the back burner for a while. I think it’s so important to be sure we’re being fair to others instead of being judgmental. We don’t know what everyone is going through or what they’ve been through. And if we’re really practicing the golden rule, we should treat them (even in our thoughts) as we would wish to be treated.
It’s important too to examine any resentment we may be holding against someone because any kind of hurtful or negative feeling only hurts the one holding it and in whose heart it’s in. We could even just be mad at ourselves and our feelings are masquerading as something we’re not happy about. When I find myself just beginning to feel that way, I immediately pray for that person, and if it’s a longer standing negative feeling, I make myself pray for that person longer and check it off on my calendar as a reminder. Prayer works every time. If I can’t free myself from the feeling, I take authority over it because I know I must resolve the problem. I just can’t stand to harbor any negative feelings. I hate conflict and I love peace and easy sailing, don’t you?
Speaking of authority though, we need to pray for the people in charge of our government now. THE BIBLE says to pray for people in authority so we can live a peaceful life, so it’s to our benefit to ask God to guide them. We like to think our words will help the person we’re praying for, but probably the one it helps the most is the one doing the praying. It’s so interesting to feel the change of heart when we make ourselves pray for someone we hadn’t intended to pray for. Try it and you’ll see.
Thank you again for always lifting me up with your acceptance and encouragement. By the way, I prayed for you all today. “You’re my somebody special. God blessed me good with you!”
P.S. Some of you have asked about the status of the novel. I expect to have a publisher soon.