Hey Everybody and Happy Friday Follies!
Although the calendar says it has just turned summer, it has been beyond hot here in Nashville for weeks. I hope it’s cooler where you are. But it’s just weather and we know it will change because fall is not that far away, huh?
But enough about the weather. I wore the Northview jersey in these pictures because I want to dedicate this Friday Follies to all my former students from Northview High in Covina, California. Several of you have written me recently and updated me on your lives, and I’m always so glad to hear from you. I think of you all often and wish you everything you wish for. You’re all grown up now, and I hope you’re happy and healthy and that you’re taking good care of yourselves. I was always so proud of you, especially when you studied hard and showed it by making good grades. I appreciated every effort you made to make yourself proud of yourself too. I know I gave a lot of tests, but I thought that gave you more chances to succeed.
I hope you’re experiencing the very best in life and enjoying every minute of it!