Well…it’s Friday Follies time again, and since Father’s Day is coming up, I want to dedicate this message to all the great dads out there. We honor every one of you.
But first, I want to tell you about my dad. I called him “Daddy.” He was very good to me. Because Mother and Daddy had grown up by having my older siblings before me, I always assumed I was an accident. But if I was, they didn’t ever tell me; they just gave me life.
I was a Daddy’s girl for sure. Daddy was my buddy and my best friend and the greatest father God could have given me. I thank God for his influence and the characteristics I inherited from him. After I graduated from high school, I told him I wanted to go to college. He said “Okay, if you promise to finish what you start and not quit, to use the education that you receive to get a job, and not get married before you finish school.” I said, “Deal!” And we shook hands. So he put me through college by paying for my education. He was a strong man with a no-nonsense good common-sense attitude. He was an outstanding role model. I loved him so much.
He believed in me and encouraged me. He was proud of me and he showed that he was. He inspired me to do my very best in whatever I was doing. He was good to everyone. He practiced the golden rule. He celebrated with me when I was happy and lifted me up when I was down. Because of his example as my earthly father, it’s easier for me to trust in my heavenly father. He would always forgive me for my mistakes just like God forgives me if I do wrong. “Hero” is really not a big enough word for him.
I wish for all of you to make this Father’s Day special for your dad. Write him a letter and tell him how important he is to you, how much you love him, and thank him for the thoughtful things he’s done for you. Tell him why you’re glad God gave him to you for a father. Your words will mean the world to him, and he will keep them in his heart forever. You will be closer because of what you do. Don’t just think about it. Do it.
So Happy Father’s Day, wonderful dads. You have made such a difference in your children’s lives and you have invested in the psyche and soul of America. Dads are the foundation of the family. We need you. Now more than ever! Happy Father’s Day! I wish you love, good health, and happiness forever! Keep on being the wonderful examples you are. Your influence is so important.
Thanks to those of you who are bidding on the auction – only a couple days to go. Good luck and “follie” on. I hope you all are doing great. I’ve been thinking about you and wishing you well, and I can’t wait for you to see what’s coming next from Fargo Country!