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Happy Valentine’s Day to my Friday Follies Crew!

 I hope you’re all having a lovey dovey holiday and you’re as happy as little larks.  I trust you’re all doing great, experiencing absolutely perfect health and happiness and prosperity in your lives and are thoroughly engaged in making every day matter.  As long as you’re trying, you won’t let yourself down.

Somebody asked me how do you stay positive and encouraged when you’re not sure what’s coming next?  First, don’t forget to count your blessings.  As you embrace each challenge, try to enjoy every minute of the journey.  May any disappointments help you find your way to triumph and inspire new awareness of your potential and guide you to where you want to go.  Hold fast to your confidence and don’t let your hope out of your sight.  Be on your own side and don’t lose track of your goals.  God gave you your dreams, and they’re important.  Remember, it takes patience to get through life’s changes and difficulties because we’re all trying to read our own maps and sometimes we may miss a turn or two. You may have to come up with alternative plans.  But keep on believing in yourself and trusting that God is with you all the way.  You will get there. 

Until next week, love on purpose and have a skippety do da day!



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