Hey You Guys,
I hope you’re all being your sweet wonderful selves. My Friday Follies lesson today is on love. We are admonished to love one another. That’s God’s first commandment and the most important, so we know that’s important to Him and to us, especially because He is a God of love.
What’s important also is to show our love to complete the process…by telling those we love that we love them and by demonstrating our love by our actions. If we love but don’t tell those we love that we love them, how will they know? We must also do something that shows someone matters. I mean if we keep the love to ourselves, it’s like having a gift all wrapped up with a ribbon and a bow and not giving it. So the first lesson on love is to show it. So go show some love to the people you may be taking for granted.
How you show it will vary from one person to another. You could write him or her a letter, call them on the phone, send them a text or email, or give them a present that showed your special attention. Giving is good for the heart, the soul, the everything! Don’t wait ‘til Christmas or someone’s birthday. You can send a card for that. But put it in your own writing and show it in your actions sometime soon. You will be blessed and you’ll make someone’s day. Human to human contact is so important. Love will never go out of style and you’ll be making a memory for someone’s heart space wrapped in the greatest gift wrap of all – love and appreciation. Remember also that we are an example of all that we do, and people need to see your example and experience. We learn from each other by everything we do for each other, especially by everything that has the potential to make a positive difference. Also, kindness does not always need to be shared. Recently I noticed some unfriendly feelings in my heart and they bothered me. So to remind myself and clear my conscience, I prayed for the person for 10 days and I checked it off on my calendar each day. I felt better about it afterward. THE BIBLE doesn’t tell us we have to like one another but rather…love one another.
I love you guys so much. Thank you for touching my life in such sweet and wonderful ways. You’re the brightest lights around! Shine on!!!!!!!!!! Merry Everything all the time!
You know who is loving you always,