Hey My Friday Follies Friends!
Somebody said, “Donna, tell us how to lose this weight we gained from Thanksgiving…”
So, here are some SKINNY TIPS…
We have these things we tell ourselves that are true except when they aren’t:
1. You need to eat all that’s on your plate. No, you don’t. That’s faulty thinking. You can be satisfied with less, so………Start eating ½ of everything: ½ Dr. Pepper or Coke or whatever will satisfy the cravings if you’re not off soft drinks yet. Pour ½ out before you allow yourself to think about it. Eat ½ a sandwich. Give the other half to someone else. It will satisfy you and you’ll feel better afterward.
2. Now drink as much water as whatever amount of soft drink or whatever and it will be only half as bad for you and you’ll be getting in some of the 8 glasses of water recommended for the day.
3. Monitor how you feel. I’ll bet you’ll be satisfied and feel better.
4. Make better habits just for your general health: No caffeine after 2:00 pm (no cokes, chocolate, coffee, etc.) so as not to interrupt your sleep cycle.
5. If you’re ready to eat a whole piece of pie or cake or dessert, cut it in two. Share it or throw it away. It all goes to waste anyhow. Ha. Ha. Right? You don’t have to totally get off of everything you like that may be bad for you. Just eat half of it. Let that be your new motto. Eat half!
6. You’ll probably feel better if you don’t eat after 4 or 5 o’clock. Nobody likes to roll over on a ball of fat, so don’t eat late and then go to bed on it.
7. Since live foods would seem to maintain life better, I suggest eating about 70% fresh, raw fruits and veggies a day, some kind of protein like fish or chicken or turkey if desired. I also suggest 2 eggs a day. Eggs are the symbol of life, so I trust them to help us maintain life. We don’t need as much bread as we eat probably. Besides, bread is kinda’ fattening especially when mixed with protein, so mix the bread with a green salad and you’ll feel better about the combination. If you are eating protein, combine it with something not starchy like a salad. Eat the baked potato with a green veggie salad or other steamed green veggies. These are good, healthy combinations.
8. I do think we need about 8 glasses of water a day. Our bodies are about 75% water. I go into more health tips in my 10 GOLDEN RULES FOR LIVING IN THIS CRAZY MIXED-UP WORLD book. I began my study into diet and nutrition when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and I think changing my diet has been advantageous in a lot of ways. I usually eat 5-8 veggies a day and 3 or 4 fruits.
9. And about dessert…Like I said, eat half or less than half of what you want. You’d be surprised when you get into this “1/2” idea – and just allowing yourself half of what you want – that you satisfied your little craving and you felt better to boot. Also, get into the habit of having a fruit or two for your dessert instead of a sugary treat.
10. Good luck and I want to hear how you’re doing. Whether you have 10 pounds or whatever, take it off slowly and keep it off and you’ll be so proud of yourself and gain so much respect for yourself and it won’t even be that hard to do. Yaaaaaaaay!
Okey Dokey…that’s the most important stuff I think.
Love, love, love you so.
P.S. This content is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with your physician. The suggestions above obviously do not apply if you’re under a doctor’s care and especially where dietary restrictions have been given. For example, if you’re a diabetic, you probably would have an imposed dietary regimen already.