Hey Gang – It’s time for Friday Follies!
Thanks for checking in. I always love to read your comments and hear about how you’re doing. I hope you’re all happy and healthy. I also love it when you ask me to talk about certain topics that you’re interested in.
This week someone asked if I’d share about how I quit smoking, so here goes…I loved smoking but hated it. Nicotine is a drug, and I was seriously addicted. I smoked when I was happy, sad, bored, frustrated, angry, in a good mood, bad mood – in other words just about anytime. I had my dream to become a singer, so obviously I knew it was dumb to do something to hurt my voice. But also I used as an excuse not to quit because I wanted a “husky”-type sound. Anyway, my common sense finally took over enough for me to at least start trying to quit. I would quit, then start again. The more I tried to quit, the more I would fail and start again. I also knew smoking hurts more than one’s voice – it hurts the lungs. I finally became convinced that I was setting myself up for other health problems most likely if I continued to smoke. Duh. I don’t know how many times I quit and started over but realized I was losing respect for myself because I couldn’t win the fight, when finally it seemed like it just “took.” I couldn’t fail anymore and guess what? As soon as I really quit, my dream started to come true! I wrote “Happiest Girl.”
Smoking just isn’t good for you or anything else. If you smoke, start quitting. It will be easier for some than others, but please stop now. It’s so bad for you in so many ways. When I smoked I’d have 2 colds a year. I never have a cold now. I learned a lot about myself during the struggle to quit, and you will too. This is such an important achievement. Don’t give up!!!
Love to all!
P.S. Thanks for the orders on the latest Heart Hugs, “It’s a skippety do da day” and “Blessed to the Bone.” I hope you’re surprising somebody special with a heart hug and they’re returning the love.