I hope you’re all experiencing the very best in life – love, of course, wonderful health, perfect safety, and beautiful happiness!
For those of you who love to read, I want to recommend a book that I think you’ll like. It’s called FORGIVEN by Niles Reddick. Because I liked it so much, I wrote a “blurb” for it.
This book is about a high school graduate named Manning. He found himself in prison for murder after mixing alcohol and some kind of drugs he just took casually and foolishly. He couldn’t remember anything except feeling dizzy, didn’t even know all the people who skipped out but left him with prints all over the gun. While serving his sentence, one of the other inmates was Ted Bundy, so that was interesting. Because of the opportunities that were available while he was incarcerated, he enrolled in a community college to pass the time. But he was most educated in the “school of hard knocks” through his many experiences in prison. He was fortunate to earn an early release and gained the blessing of forgiveness before it was too late. It’s a fast, fascinating read, and Mr. Reddick has another new book called WHO’S GOING TO PRAY FOR ME NOW?. I can’t wait to read that one next.
Okay You Guys, stay safe, have fun, and keep your sunny side up! No matter what else you do, try to eat at least 70% fresh fruits and veggies to stay healthy.
You know I love you!
P.S. Here are some pictures of the covers. For those of you who would like to order Mr. Reddick’s books, you can find them at Amazon.com. Please note that FORGIVEN is a brand new release and will be available on Amazon.com in a few days.