I hope you’re all doing great. The weather here in Nashville is perfect, and I hope it is where you are. Thank you for your sweet comments on Facebook and for your notes to me through email and regular mail. No matter how you decide to contact me, I am always delighted to hear from you. In fact, Becky asked how to get in touch with me to get an autograph and to post that information…so here goes:
Email: [email protected] , [email protected] or [email protected] Mail: PO Box 150527, Nashville, TN 37215
Websites: www.DonnaFargo.com and PrimaDonnaEntertainmentCorp.com
There are cds, pictures, prints and so much more available on the websites, which I will autograph for you. But I also receive a lot of requests for my signature on 3×5 cards, LPs and a variety of other things that people collect which I am happy to sign as well. It’s always fun to see what comes in the mail!
One of the questions asked recently was from Kathy……”When Mr. Blackwell put you on his WORST DRESSED LIST, were you upset or amused?”
Hi Kathy. Well it might have hurt my feelings a little bit at first. We looked it up and it was 1975. It takes a little while to realize all the extra things that you have to adjust to when so many opportunities and experiences are fairly new to you.
In those early years, I was very conscious of what I wore and was photographed in and they don’t tell you what outfit(s) they’re judging you on when they put you on this list. I would like to have known because it might have helped me with my own judgment – I could have agreed with him or I may not have cared at all. When I receive criticism though, I evaluate it. If I think I need to improve something, I would most likely make changes; but otherwise, I would stay with my own opinion.
Several people actually congratulated me because I’d made his list. I mean some of the other people on the list then were Bette Midler, Elton John, Helen Reddy, Caroline Kennedy, Sally Struthers, Tatum O’Neal, Princess Ann, and some others. Tammy Wynette and I tied for 7th place, and he described us as “country magic dressed in a circus tent,” whatever that means. After awhile, it was kinda’ funny, and Stan and I laughed about it. When you look at the list though, Cher and Barbra Streisand were on there in two separate years. Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch, Dolly, Barbara Mandrell, and many others made other lists. It comes with the “territory,” as they say, and that’s okay. It’s just something you have to adjust to, and that’s part of the growing up process. Things like that don’t bother me now.
Also, people are just being who they are, and they do what they do. Apparently, Mr. Blackwell was the creator of the Ten Worst Dressed Women List, and it was an annual thing from 1960 to 2007. So he would have been committed to come up with the 10 Worst every year. It’s hard to come up with dazzling outfits all the time, and you may find a few that you “settled” for just because you didn’t have time to have something made or time to shop at the right place. You won’t get lucky every time, so some outfits look better than others. And it takes a while to develop your own unique “style.”
Anyway have a great weekend, Everybody. I send you lots of love.
P.S. We’ll be adding some new items in our Distinctively Donna store soon.