Well, here we go again with Friday Follies, and I hope you’re all doing well.
We started the week on Monday with the 8th of April being the day of the eclipse, and I want to tell you about something weird that happened that day. Whenever I put anything in the oven, I have a habit of always marking the time down so I can plan better when to eat. So I wrote down 3:00 according to the watch on my arm, and the phone system had exactly the same time. But when I checked the time 30 minutes later, my watch said 3:30 but the phone system said 4:30! The eclipse had moved the time on the phone system up one hour. Just like that! It’s fixed now, so moving on. I’m curious to know though if any of you had something strange happen that you related to the eclipse.
I’ve gotten several questions about my first book TRUST IN YOURSELF. Someone asked me to explain what I meant by the title.
As a writer, I write about things I am concerned about. I was really just following my heart, I guess. Since we’re all human beings, we probably have similar problems. I used to have a hard time trusting in myself; I didn’t think I was worthy enough to do what I would want to do. I said in the first piece in the book that we all have a built-in compass to help us get to where we want to go. I believe that “compass” is the spirit or the heart (not the physical heart but our center). You know it’s where dreams live and hopes keep you trying to do whatever you want to do. It’s that “believing” part of you that wants whatever the desires in your heart want. We may be in a constant search to feed that driving hunger that won’t leave us alone.
Because everybody matures at different ages and experiences, we have to go through various things until we reach our goals. I think the person who does not know God will always feel lonely until the spirit is educated. Love is what gives the heart peace and directs us to overcome our shortcomings and become our best selves. I believe that faith is what causes us to trust in ourselves.
Thank you for your questions. And several of you have asked about where I am with the novel. I’ve gotta’ say when you get down to the nitty gritty of trying to get your own approval, you keep finding little things that you just have to make better, and I will say it’s gonna’ take a little bit longer, but not much I hope.
Please stay healthy and happy. You know I love you.