Hey Everybody in our Friday Follies Club! Sorry to be so late, but I’ve had a busy day. I hope you’re all doing well. I appreciate all your comments and questions, and I am so thankful for your friendship. I’ll answer a few questions since they relate to the new year, so here goes…..Somebody asked me how do I prepare for the new year. Somebody else wanted to know if I made any new year’s resolutions, and another asked what advice could I share about routines that I have found helpful.
Well, first of all, we’re not only starting a new year, but with the collective majority of our votes, we have ushered in a change of our leaders. But I love new beginnings most of the time, don’t you? I mean we don’t know everything, and I think it’s good to listen to others who may have different ideas. We might learn something even if sometimes it may seem that our attitudes are set in cement because we’ve held them so long. If that’s so, change could be a good thing. I mean in our society, all of us probably want positive outcomes, so it behooves us to live our lives in a spirit of cooperation with others as we deal with the mechanics of how we get there. But long story short, we are making a difference. The framework may change, but we can still make the best of it. It’s not even fair if one group is always in charge, and ALL people need and deserve to be represented in a democracy like ours. So it seems that we’d be good with everybody having a voice with their votes and whoever has the majority wins.
New beginnings are so important to our nation and for our own personal maturity. We all get fresh opportunities to examine our behaviors and challenge ourselves in so many ways. We get to play in this game of life, and we will be tested at times. The “tests” help us to grow up. How boring it would be if we all thought alike. And isn’t our nation built on an attitude of fairness and the Golden Rule, or is that just stuff people talk about pretending it’s related to reality?
To answer another question, I did make a few resolutions. I am going to get more serious about writing my autobiography. I’ve started writing it a few times, but I know I need to come up with a definite plan and actually schedule the writing of it into certain days when I’m not so busy with other projects, so I will do that. Because I didn’t keep a journal, I’ll have to do a lot of research on myself, so it will be time-consuming and quite challenging.
I have made pretty good progress with my diet after all the books I’ve read and experiences I’ve had with success and failure. I will have to keep a close watch on myself though so I don’t fall into some old habits of eating too much junk food. “I’m a little slow, you know,” but yeah, diet is a commitment and bad habits will try to sneak back in if we’re not careful. Also, it takes time to show positive evidence of improvement in the physical body. But I do believe nature and God really will reward us if we’re obedient and consistent and maintain a focused and truthful diligence to walk in His perfect will for our lives. Especially regarding diet issues, I’m thrilled that RFK has started the conversation about making us all healthier.
Regarding the question about routines that could be helpful, especially if you have no experience reading the BIBLE and want to start to develop your spirit, I suggest that you start with a book that divides the readings into 365 days. That way, you will read the THE NEW TESTAMENT in a year. The particular book I’m reading now because I’m focusing again on THE NEW TESTAMENT is called THE NEW TESTAMENT IN A YEAR. It’s actually really easy because it takes so little time to read the amount of material given for each day. If you’re farther along than a “babe in Christ,” just follow your heart and work out a designated time to study the Word.
On a personal note, I want you to know that I wish for you whatever you’re wishing for. May you always remember to listen to your heart, trust its guidance and do what you believe is right. I wish you love in your life, a satisfied mind, and peace and happiness every day. I hope you find answers to questions you have and solutions to problems that are challenging. I hope you receive the desires of your heart like Mark talks about when he quotes Jesus discussing important issues in Mark 11:22-25 that apply to all of us…..having faith in God, speaking to the mountains in our lives, not doubting that we will receive the answers to our prayers, forgiving if we have anything against anyone so that our Father in Heaven will forgive us, and closing with the admonition that if we don’t forgive, neither will our Father in Heaven forgive us. He’s the Boss, Folks, and according to the BIBLE, His love is shed abroad in our hearts. Let us be thankful and never forget to tell Him we love Him with all our heart and we’re so grateful for our blessings. So let’s choose to love each other and work together and keep hope alive in 2025. We’re all in this together!
Well, I’d better get going, so you guys have a great weekend and be careful and stay warm.